Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Still out there,,,somewhere

Just a quick update on what is going on, Wikkidknitter is currently knitting like made ( Christmas rush) and making jewellery in his spare time. On Monday we popped into town for a restock on the bead front and even I bought a few beads ...ermm need more stitch markers, Honest!!
 Can't wait to see what he comes up with next .
 These earrings are proving very popular, angels or snowmen just in time for Christmas

Some more of the pretty shiny things. Hopefully the internet connection will be sorted and Wikkidknitter will be back here himself very soon, in the meantime I will try and keep you updated!!

1 comment:

Hi, I try to respond to comments however many now come up no-reply so please forgive me if I don't get back to you. All comments are appreciated and I thank you for taking the time to read my blog.